segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2023

Die Zwitscher​-​Maschine

CD – Creative Sources Recordings – CS 785, Lisbon 2023

1. I - 08'40''
2. II - 25'05''
3. III - 12'43''

Ernesto Rodrigues - Viola
Bruno Parrinha - Bass Clarinet
Flak - Electric Guitar
Carlos Santos - Modular Synthesizer

Recorded March 2023, Lisbon
Cover design Carlos Santos


sábado, 10 de junho de 2023

The Giving Tree moving on

CD – Creative Sources Recordings – CS 784, Lisbon 2023

1. I - 09'58''
2. II - 09'59''
3. III - 03'52''
4. IV - 13'07''
5. V - 06'00''
6. VI - 10'18''
7. VII - 04'52''
8. VIII - 11'50''

Ernesto Rodrigues - Viola, Crackle Box
Fred Lonberg-Holm - Cello
Flak - Electric Guitar
João Madeira - Double Bass
José Oliveira - Percussion

Recorded March 2023, Lisbon
Cover design Carlos Santos


L’area dei musicisti creativi portoghesi questa volta accoglie un americano che ormai da lunga data è presente su incisioni di musica improvvisata dando un suo sontributo importante ovunque si è trovato a partecipare nei progetti più disparati, si tratta del violoncellista Fred Lonberg-Holm, insieme a lui ci sono il noto contrabbassista João Madeira, Ernesto Rodrigues alla viola, Flak alla chitarra elettrica e José Oliveira alle percussioni.
È un disco piuttosto l ungo, quasi settanta minuti divisi in nove brani in cui si pratica l’improvvisazione collettivi, stupendi intrecci di corde sostenuti dalle percussioni di Oliveira che colpiscono per la loro visceralità, senza niente di cerebrale, solo emozioni comunicate nel modo più diretto grazie alla musica in costante fibrillazione.
Funziona tutto alla grande grazie anche all’equilibrio all’interno del collettivo, tutti partecipano ed hanno qualcosa da dire allo stesso modo, senza che nessuna voce prevarichi o sia fuori luogo all’interno del collettivo.
Fred ed il suo violoncello si integra perfettamente, come se avesse suonato sempre a Lisbona, come sempre un grande che fa da catalizzatore ad una incisione che mantiene alta la tensione espressiva dall’inizio alla fine . Vittorio Loconte (Kathodik)  

Free Music is the stated aim of this disc. This  suite of eight sequences distinguished by Roman numeral-numbered tracks is dedicated to pure and interactive improvisation from Portuguese players violist Ernesto Rodrigues, who also plays crackle box, guitarist Flak; bassist João Madeira  and percussionist José Oliveira plus American cellist Fred Lonberg-Holm. All have extensive creative music experience working with everyone from Peter Brötzmann and the Glasgow Improvisers Orchestra to Bruno Parrinha and “Baby” Sommer.
All manner of extended string techniques, tonal ambiguity and division among arco and pizzicato motifs are omnipresent on The Giving Tree Moving On. Oddly enough through Oliveira’s cymbal sizzles and drum clacks are less evident than Young’s bassoon on the other disc. However the guitar twangs and strums and the chirps, whistles and suckling noises from Rodrigues’ primitive electronics are more prevalent especially during the later part of the program. Pressure is intensified with raspy cello stops and viola scratching, while Flak creates an individual role as his pointed twangs and flanges reverberate among the arco strings. His strums however join with the bassist’s woody pats and stops to create a continuum equivalent to that from the bassoonist and bassist on the other disc. Madeira contributes solo variations with col legno or spiccato resonations as well. All strands combine on the concluding “VIII”, which is also the CD’s longest track. Linear stability is created as cymbal clanks and low-pitched double bass vibrations provide the horizontal ballast upon which guitar frails and contrasting aviary chirps and answering squeaky string rubs  are swept into a consistent descending narrative. The group also posits a profound plan to present high-quality string-based sounds. Ken Waxman (JazzWord)

segunda-feira, 5 de junho de 2023

Altered Egos

CD – Creative Sources Recordings – CS 783, Lisbon 2023

1. Bitter Butter - 13'26''
2. Tolerant Talent - 13'24''
3. Beautiful Irritation - 07'12''

Ernesto Rodrigues - Viola, Crackle Box
Florian Stoffner - Electric Guitar
Bruno Parrinha - Clarinet, Alto Saxophone
João Madeira - Double Bass

Recorded November 2022, Lisbon
Cover design Carlos Santos


Turning straight back to another (quartet, in this case) release from Ernesto Rodrigues, and apparently my first review of a performance recorded in 2023 (in Lisbon last month), Altered Egos continues not only to elaborate a personal-collective style in the post-pandemic era, but prolific ongoing collaborations with Bruno Parrinha (here on both clarinet & alto sax) & João Madeira (double bass) in particular. Indeed, it seems an album such as Dérive (a quintet, recorded at the end of last year), featuring all three, comes to mark the forging & refining of a new body of musical figures & practices, transformational practices once again as invoked by the Altered Egos title. Joining that core trio for the latter then is Florian Stoffner (electric guitar) — whom I'd mentioned (in a March 2021 review) for his duo album with Paul Lovens, Tetratne on Hat — and Stoffner does inject some timbral variety, but mostly understated & seeking to blend. There's sometimes a ringing sense of electric guitar, especially for the first track of this relatively short album, but also a variety of glissandi & "elasticity" in general, a stark concluding landscape leading into more four-way free jazz counterpoint for the second track, more percussive & pointillistic, a more industrial (yet somehow zoomimetic...) feel developing only to fade away for the third & final.... There's thus a fairly typical arc for a new interaction, finding its way into what can become clearly articulated intricacy, in what can also seem (at least in the beginning) like a trio against a soloist. (And the eventual quartet sound is not so different from that of e.g. Aeon, as reviewed here in July, albeit with Flak on acoustic guitar & Rodrigues on violin.... Moreover, the latter is on crackle box here as well, something he also played on the new — likewise recorded in 2023 — Impromptu from Suspensão. For both though, the horn tends toward subtlety & color, less often centered or as strongly contoured as the strings....) 
In any case, it can be difficult to pick & choose what to discuss here, but the results from Rodrigues & Creative Sources seem to be in another particularly fertile (yet concentrated) period. In that fast-moving context then, Altered Egos did stand out to my ears overall for its detailed textural interactions & subtly lingering affect. Todd McComb's Jazz Thoughts

Per questo breve ma intenso album, sui 35 minuti, tre musicisti portoghesi, il contrabbassista João Madeira, Ernesto Rodrigues alla viola, e Bruno Parrinha al sax alto e clarinetto, sono raggiunti dal chitarrista sviizzero Florian Stoffner, un musicista a 360 gradi che ha frequentato sia l’area creativa che il jazz più ortodosso nell’ambito della sua lunga carriera.
La chitarra ben si relaziona in queste improvvisazioni collettive in cui ci si ascolta attentamente, senza mai mettere in mostra i muscoli grazie alla possibilità si usare un amplificatore, tutto è tranquillo e molto soft, a volte su atmosfere piú improntate al free, altrove il dialogo si fa più materico ma senza che nessuno sovrasti gli altri partecipanti.
La lunga frequentazione dei tre musicisti portoghesi si fa ovviamente sentire e ciò contribuisce all’integrazione di Stoffner, cosí che ne esce un dialogo molto intimo e coinvolgente, breve ma intenso.
Il tutto è ben mixato dal contrabbassista João Madeira, anche questo un ottimo contributo per cogliere l’essenza di questa musica. Vittorio Loconte (Kathodik)